No more disillusionments: When booking online, you find preconceived offers which may not meet your expectations nor reflect reality. We provide advice, security, organization and constant adaptation to satisfy your needs and avoid disappointments as you arrive.
Travelling with full knowledge and consent: Due to its insular character, the islands of Tahiti are thoroughly different from what you may be used to. Thus, our travel consultants are there to inform you of the various arrangements and preparations you must make before the D-Day, just like VISA or ESTA matters. Besides, they will give you a glimpse of the weather conditions, habits and customs of the islands you are travelling to. Their great knowledge regarding air service and cruise specificities will definitely make your life easier.
Enjoy payment facilities: When booking with Moana Voyages, you are given the opportunity to pay in installments. Furthermore, all of your payments will go through Systempay, a secured platform, and will be addressed to the same person to guarantee the safety of your transactions.
Making adjustments: You have changed your mind? Perhaps would you like to stay one more night or to add activities? You will be given some time to adjust your quote and change a few options.
Planning the unforeseen: We strive to anticipate risks and to deal with unexpected events. During sanitary crisis or climatic hazard, our team makes sure to support you and to find optimal solutions. We pay attention to government decisions and often speak to our service providers and airline partners. Whatever happens, you will never be on your own.
Choosing peace of mind: We are constantly listening to you, whether it is before, during your travel or even afterwards. As you arrive, you will be given the documents you will need during your stay, just jump into the taxi and enjoy the ride! We take care of the administrative arrangements so that you can make the most of your stay.
In addition to that, we provide a 24/7 assistance service and make sure to answer as soon as possible. Our physical proximity enables us to take action at every moment.
Make sure to travel peacefully with our insurance offers which provide coverage before and during your stay, even if you contract covid-19. See more.
But if you want to make up your own mind, you should probably try! Tell us about your dreams and we will create the travel of a lifetime…